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Excon -2022 Bangalore, 17-21th May 2022

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Parker Plant India Pvt. Ltd. inaugurates its new production facility near Mehsana

On 20th January’23, Apollo Infratech Group inaugurated its new Indo-British joint venture, Parker Plant India Pvt. Ltd.'s state-of-the-art manufacturing facility at the hands of Hon’ble British Dy High Commissioner Mr. Peter Cook. The occasion was graced by UK joint venture partners Mr. Glenn Dalby, Brett Dalby and Indian co-partners Mr. Mitul Patel, Mr. Ajit Patel and Mr. Kiran Patel as well as esteemed customers and channel partners from across the country. The facility is spread over 11 acres in the industrial hub of Mehsana, which has state-of-the-art facilities for manufacturing world-class asphalt batch mix plants of high quality.

Considering the speed with which the road infrastructure is growing in the country, the demand for international quality asphalt batch mix plants will increase. Also, such huge economic investment and employment opportunities will continue to be beneficial for the state and the country.

More than 100years old Parker Plant Ltd [UK] is a world leading engineering company, founded in 1911 in Leicester, UK. Today, it has more than 14000 plants operating successfully in more than 90 countries acrossthe world. For more than a century, Parker Plant has built a distinguished reputation for being at the forefront of product design and serving as a trusted partner in the mining, quarrying, demolition, recycling and road building industries. Parker Plant manufactures and supplies a comprehensive range of crushing, screening, asphalt and concrete plants as well as bitumen/road surfacing equipment and bulk handling conveyor systems.

Parker Plant India Pvt. Ltd.'s Indian partner Apollo Infratech Group is India's fastest growing construction equipment manufacturing company. It also has a diversified product portfolio through various joint ventures and strategic partnerships with world-renowned companies such as HawkeyePedershaab of USA, Carmix - Metalgalante spaof Italy, Zenith of Germany. Apollo Infratech's product range includes mobile and stationary asphalt batch mix plants, counter flow drum mix plants and bitumen pressure distributors, concrete batching plants, curb pavers, concrete pipe making machines, concrete RE block making machines, self-loading concrete mixing machines,slip form and fixed form concrete pavers etc. Apart from this, it also produces other road construction equipment like mechanical paver, sensor paver, drum mix plant, wet mix plant etc.

Today more than 3000 machines are working successfully in India and surrounding countries. Making the group one stop hub of construction equipment manufacturing.

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